How the Successful Add Value Around Them
At SlightEdge we believe that when we add value all around us, success will follow. Many people are results driven and they allow the results to control how they feel and what they do next without thinking of the little details. What they need to keep in mind is the more value that you add, the more success you will have, even if you can’t measure that exact result. When we study successful people like Michael Jordan, Derek Jeter, or Oprah Winfrey they all have one thing in common — they add value every single day to the people’s lives around them.
We have 4 simple but very valuable tips to add everyday value to your life
1. Get your mind right every morning — I believe you have to find a way to feed your mind with positive information, create gratitude and do something productive every morning. If you can do this you will be in a positive mental state to start the day
2. Smile — I heard a cheesy quote many years ago….” if someone doesn’t have a smile, give them one of yours.” Just by smiling you can change your mood and the people around you
3. The golden rule — Treat everyone you come in contact with as you would want your kids to be treated. It is important to be kind and positive every day… You will see it will be returned
4. Find a way to serve every day — If you look to make an impact every day you will see how many people you can actually help. You can serve with a compliment, an act of kindness, being present in a conversation, and by looking to give first. WHAT WE LOOK, WE ALWAYS FIND
We believe if you create value every day then money, success, and happiness will follow. Some of our core values at SlightEdge reflect these thoughts. One of our core values is “Positivity — we choose to look for the good” and another is “Progress-we focus on progress, not perfection”. With our employees showing up every day reflecting these company values and more, we have confidence they will find success in their personal and professional lives. To see more of the development we provide our employees, visit us on LinkedIn.